7 tips to grow as a company on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the social network for companies and can bring your brand closer to your target audience. Here are seven tips to improve your company’s LinkedIn strategy and make it grow on this platform.

7 tips to grow as a company on LinkedIn

Over a billion people already have an account on LinkedIn, and according to the platform, 67 million of them are businesses. These numbers illustrate that using this platform presents an opportunity to connect with companies in your sector and gain visibility.  

Thanks to the connections that can be created in the platform, you can bring your brand closer to your target audience and find potential clients, that is, get sales opportunities. It’s also a platform for positioning, conveying your business identity, showcasing the services and products that your company offers and connecting with companies in your sector to increase visibility.

Redegal wants to help you achieve all this and more with your profile on this social network. That’s why today we’ll see seven tips to make your company grow on LinkedIn. Let’s go! 

How to improve LinkedIn results for companies?

LinkedIn is a social network that is constantly evolving. However, you can find here seven tips for your company profile to grow without those changes affecting you. 

1. Optimize your company profile

One of the first steps to grow your brand is to optimize your profile. If you have in mind the keywords for your company, use them to make it easier to stand out in your sector and for interested users to find and follow you. If you don’t have them, we recommend doing a keyword research to define them. Alternatively, our SEO team can lend you a hand.

The profile should be as complete as possible. Some elements that can help you optimize it are:

  • A good quality profile photo. It will be the first thing a user sees when they access your brand page. So, it would be convenient if it was 300×300 pixels to fit the frame well. Keep in mind that it will also appear in the profile of those who work in it when they share their work trajectory. 
  • An updated cover image. The cover image that will go on cover also has great visibility. In this case, the appropriate measures are 1128×191 pixels. As an idea this image can include the slogan of your brand or the value proposition of what it offers. It’s an extension of the profile photo. 
  • Complete the section “About”. Include the keywords of your business in the summary about the history and business activity you perform. It is also advisable to incorporate other details such as the website, the sector of work, the specialty or the place where it is located. 

2. Develop a content strategy

Creating valuable content is essential to make your company grow on LinkedIn. Develop a strategy to ensure there is a consistent posting frequency and that what you share is useful to your target audience.

You can publish articles, recommend content that you believe is of interest to your followers and aligns with your company’s values, highlight testimonials to build credibility, or share tips on topics relevant to your industry. For example, if you have a digital clothing business, you could focus on discussing fashion trends or addressing frequently asked questions. Remember that each social network has a different audience and message, so posting on Instagram is not the same as posting on LinkedIn.

We offer you access to our specialized content strategy team. Our social media professionals will create compelling content for your social media profiles and support your company in communicating effectively with your audiences.

3. Consistency of publication is key 

Consistency and recurrency in posting content on LinkedIn are crucial for your company’s growth on the platform. Creating a social media calendar can be helpful, but don’t focus solely on creating posts. Engaging with content from other profiles by leaving comments or reactions will also increase visibility and foster connections. Additionally, remember responding to comments on your own posts to avoid negative experiences where participants feel unheard in the conversation.

4. Participate in online events

In LinkedIn’s events section, you can find webinars and other events on a wide range of topics. Look for those that align with your company and participate actively by commenting and asking questions. This will help others in your industry to get to know your company and increase your visibility. If your company organizes or sponsors events, be sure to showcase this on the platform as well.

5. Include a CTA in publications

An essential part of the strategy to grow on LinkedIn is to include CTAs in your texts and images. Including a call to action informs the user about what to do after viewing the post. This is the moment to redirect them to your brand’s website or to a specific product or service. You can use phrases like “If you want to learn more” or “discover all the information,” followed by the corresponding link.

6. Share ads

LinkedIn offers high segmentation capability for ads. This makes it easier to reach the specific audience your company targets. Because these are people interested in your products, it’s likely to generate more traffic to your site and increase sales opportunities. While the cost of these ads is higher compared to other social networks, when executed well, their effectiveness is substantial.

7. Analyze the results 

To improve your strategy for growth on LinkedIn, it’s crucial to measure and analyze the results. The platform itself provides various metrics such as follower growth, profile visitors and impressions. Additionally, LinkedIn offers a tool that scores your profile and identifies areas for improvement.

Do you have any questions? Redegal has a group of social media professionals who are available for everything you need. Shall we talk?

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