Mother’s Day: Boost your online sales

Digital marketing helps you perform special promotional actions for your brand’s social media followers on Mother’s Day. Discover how to achieve great results.

Mother’s Day: Boost your online sales

Mother’s Day is undoubtedly one of those dates marked in red on any business’s annual marketing calendar. It’s a day when we all become part of the brands’ audience. That’s why it becomes the perfect date to do a Mother’s Day marketing campaign that not only allows us to achieve a significant peak in sales, but also communicate our values, connect emotionally with the audience, and convey our brand image.

If you want to get your strategy right, in this post we’ll review everything you need to keep in mind. Keep reading!

The buyer persona: couples and children

One important thing to keep in mind is that this is usually a date when we don’t want to impact mothers with campaigns. Our buyer persona on this occasion are partners and children

It’s important for you to take this into account when segmenting your ads and choosing which platforms to advertise your brand on. 

For example, it’s estimated that there are over 1.7 billion users on TikTok worldwide, as indicated by this report from What’s the Big Data. This data makes the platform an essential channel for a good strategy. Additionally, the majority of users are between 18 and 24 years old and spend an hour and a half per day consuming content on TikTok.

Prepare your Mother’s Day marketing campaign in advance

Haste makes waste, especially when it comes to digital campaigns. If you want to succeed with your Mother’s Day marketing strategy, don’t wait until the last minute to launch your digital strategy.

Your target audience will be looking for gift ideas weeks before the date, so it’s important to have a clear strategy. Here are some of the steps to get the most out of your marketing strategy.

Prepare your website and don’t forget about SEO

Prepare your website for users to find your product or service as an option for Mother’s Day. To do this, it is important to guide your keywords to user searches, that is, boost SEO

It’s important to have a clear understanding of the preferences and interests of your target audience in order to reach them through searches.

Use your database

A good moment to strengthen the bond with your customers is by reminding them of the date through a newsletter sent to the appropriate segment of your database or through your social media posts. You can also use push notification strategies or SMS messages.

Share a discount code 

Offering customers a discount code can be a competitive advantage that makes your brand more attractive and scales between purchase options. 

The code can be spread through various channels, for example, through a post on your social media profiles. In this case, when the audience sees it, they may visit the website, generating increased traffic and thereby a greater possibility of sales.

There’s also the option of delivering it through newsletter sending. In the email, you can include how prices would look after applying the code and offer an exclusive discount to the recipients.

Finally, announce the discount code on your website, for example, at the time of access through a pop-up window. You can include the option to subscribe to the newsletter and offer an additional discount for doing it. 

Last-minute offers

Take advantage of the urgency of those who tend to leave everything until the last minute through remarketing ads or abandoned cart shipments with a special offer. Also, remind them when the last day is for their gift to arrive on time. Delivery deadlines are crucial in these types of campaigns.

These reminder messages can have a very positive impact on your audience by making them feel part of the brand family.

Help your customers find the perfect gift for Mother’s Day

For many users, finding a gift is a real headache. So make it easy for them and create a buying guide with gift packs. It’s also recommended to have a landing page or special section on the website highlighting the most relevant products for that date.

Customized packs based on the preferences or previous purchases of each user are a great option for reaching out to regular customers. It’s a way to demonstrate the importance they have for the brand, making them feel valued and cared for.

Bet on Google Ads campaigns 

Setting up a Google Ads campaign can be a good option at a time when web traffic is increasing as you search for a Mother’s Day gift. Opting for this type of strategy can differentiate your brand from competitors within the industry.

There are several options to develop a campaign through Google Ads. One of them is to make display ads. With this, your brand can appear on other websites through banners that show the products offered by your business and with a click will already be on your website. Another is to make search ads, you will have a presence in prominent positions of the Google search.

All this will generate visibility for your brand. The public will know that it exists and is one more option in which to buy those special gifts for Mother’s Day. To get the best results with these types of strategies you need optimization and our online advertising department can help you. 

Email marketing is another tool

Don’t forget about email marketing in your Mother’s Day strategy because it has become one of the most direct ways to connect with your customers. This is possible because you can send personalized emails to different target audience groups identified by your brand.

To make that email as effective as possible it is recommended that it be themed exclusively for Mother’s Day. It does not need to be different from the ones you usually send, you can follow the same corporate line and change the color or include some specific text. 

You can also use the email to remember the offers, discount codes or packs of special products that you have created for Mother´s day.

Share customer experiences 

More than 80% of online shoppers take a look at customer reviews and comments before making the purchase. Therefore, it is advisable to have a general section on the website where these experiences are exposed or only within each product. These can also be shared on social networks. 

Offering this information to customers can help those who are undecided because they will be able to see the experience that others have lived and see how the experience with the brand is. For the Mother’s Day campaign, you can gather reviews from customers from the same date in another season.

What strategy to do in social networks? 

Social media is another communication channel to consider when building a strategy. It’s a way to reach a large portion of the global population. As indicated in a report by DataReportal, there are 5.070 billion users on social media platforms worldwide. This accounts for 62.6% of the world’s population.

The social networks that use more people are: Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn and Twitter. Knowing the target of your brand for Mother’s Day and the goals you want to achieve will be important to see the profiles in which to develop the campaign. Some of the actions that can be developed are: 

1. Use hashtags 

Just as hashtags are included in day-to-day publications, they are also essential for Mother’s Day. Making good use of these tags can extend the reach and visibility of your brand’s profile.

To achieve the best results, it is advisable to conduct a study of the hashtags that are being used during this special date. Applications such as TagBoard or All Hashtags allow you to analyze which tags have the greatest impact.

In addition to using the usual hashtags for Mother’s Day, there’s the possibility of creating an exclusive one for your brand with which the public can participate in some way. Don’t forget to include the ones you regularly use to maintain your positioning.

2. Do giveaways to increase your reach

Take advantage of the date to generate engagement with your social media community by launching a giveaway on one of your social media profiles. Ideally, work on a Mother’s Day marketing strategy where users have to share or comment, mentioning other users, to participate. In this way, we get the publication to reach more users.

For the prize, choose products or services that are related to the date, in this way you are also offering a gift idea to the consumer.

Giveaways will not only help you optimize the interaction ratio of your social media profiles but also assist you in reaching a wider audience. It’s a great strategy for improving your brand image, acquiring new users, retaining existing customers, and driving traffic to your website. 

Emotional marketing: sells a product (but also a feeling)

Marketing is the art of seduction. Emotions drive us to buy, so we must make the public feel our brand. 

How? Giving feelings to our products, creating an emotional bond with the consumer, generating emotions, sensations and experiences. The most exploited by brands for this date are two: nostalgia and memory.

Do it right. If we want to achieve our goals, the audience must be properly understood when designing the strategy. On this day, it’s not the same to direct our communication and actions towards mothers, fathers, husbands, partners, or children.

Communicate the values of your brand

Coca Cola sells soda, but also happiness; Apple, computers, but also class, simplicity and innovation; Nike sells sports clothing and footwear, but also overcoming and success…

With what emotions and values would you relate your products and your brand?

Some of the resources most used by companies on Mother’s Day to generate emotions and communicate values are emotional videos, humor and real stories.

It’s the perfect time to humanize your brand. We all like to feel that we share values with the brands we consume. Closeness with users is key for such emotional and significant days like this one.

Offers something unique and creative

If you can’t compete on price or productivity, look for differentiation on the other hand. Practical and original designs and infographics, content that adds value to our customers, innovative actions, personalized customer service… In essence, quality and distinction over our competition.

At times like this where all brands struggle to reach the target audience it’s important to know your strengths and exploit them. Differentiation is the key, proving that you offer something that no one else has. 

All set for the date? If you would like a proffesional backup, contact us and we will help you in your digital strategy for Mother’s Day.

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