How to achieve a successful SMS marketing campaign?

SMS marketing has numerous benefits for your brand as it’s one of the most direct ways to connect with your target. We’ll show you how to use SMS marketing to boost your business! With 6 practical examples at the end of the post.

How to achieve a successful SMS marketing campaign?

With the wide use of instant messaging mobile applications like WhatsApp or Telegram, it might seem like traditional SMS has become a thing of the past. But nothing could be further from the reality.

Not receiving these kind of text messages frequently increases curiosity when a notification pops up, leading to a greater interest in knowing its content. SMS marketing will allow your business to reach a large population because you only need the user to have a mobile device. 

All this and much more makes SMS continue to be an optimal tool for developing marketing campaigns in order to position your brand and achieve greater performance. Do you want that? Continue reading because in this post we’ll tell you the keys to make your SMS marketing strategy effective

What is SMS marketing?

SMS marketing is a communication strategy based on text messages sent to the mobile phone of users who have previously given their consent to be part of the database to which the messages are sent. 

The goal is always to capture users’ attention, even though the actual purpose may vary greatly: incentivize the sale of products and services, publicize offers and discounts, conduct giveaways, or promote events.

What are the benefits of SMS marketing?

SMS marketing is arguably one of the most effective ways to connect with our target audience, as it allows us to reach a large number of customers and establish a more personalized contact than other forms of communication.

Therefore, it is essential that the message is clear, concise and that allows the public to contact our brand in the simplest way possible. Only in this way will we achieve our goals.

Here are some of the many advantages that make SMS one of the best tools for our marketing and communication strategies.

Almost full open rate

SMS is one of the channels of communication in wich customers reach highest open rates. This is what an SAP study points out, leaving three key data: 

  • 98% of users read the SMS messages they receive.
  • 82% of recipients open them in less than five minutes.
  • 81% of the audience prefers to receive notifications from companies via SMS rather than through applications.


Before sending the SMS, there’s the possibility to personalize the sender. It’s common to use the brand name, although it can be accompanied by a brief subject related to the message content, for example, if it’s about product discounts. This way, when customers receive the message, they’ll immediately recognize your brand, providing them confidence to open it. 

Great power of segmentation

SMS marketing makes it possible to personalize the message and to whom it is sent, that means it can be sent segmented by audiences. This will positively impact results as tailored content can be sent taking into account the interests and characteristics of each target audience. Customers will feel seen therefore strengthening their bond with your brand.

Safe and handy

Receiving the text message personally makes for a closer connection between your brand and customers. This can lead to increased loyalty of users, which could translate into a future purchase. 

Being perceived as a non-invasive communication channel, SMS marketing can be useful for initiating conversations with consumers, making them feel they are part of the brand. Furthermore, with this information, their buying experience can be enhanced, and your business’s image can be strengthened.

Very economic

SMS marketing meets that premise of quality-price. As mentioned, it is a strategy that gets results due to its high open rate and can be achieved with a low cost. 

To carry it out, the essential thing you need to do is to think about the message you want to communicate and draft the text to share that idea with the appropriate length. You won’t need paid tools as is the case in other situations, for example, for image editing.

SMS marketing: tips for creating a great campaign  

Creates a powerful message

If you don’t have anything interesting to offer the customer, don’t do an SMS marketing campaign. Just like you, your audience is bothered by receiving messages that don’t add value, and furthermore, you run the risk of them unsubscribing from the subscriber list.


With small details like treating your customer using their name or making them see that they are part of your brand’s community, you will make them feel special, something really important.

and launch it at the opportune moment.

Do you have a restaurant and are you going to offer your audience discounts and promotions? Do it at noon. The frequency of your sends will depend on your brand and the products or services you offer, but you should always avoid oversaturating with too much frequency. It’s also necessary to study when is the best time to boost sales and achieve the campaign’s objectives.

Short message

A text message is short by nature (specifically, it has a limit of 160 Latin characters), but sometimes it’s not necessary to use them all. A brief and concise message is often enough: it’s the best way to avoid boring the audience and capture their attention.

Remember to optimize content length:

  • The sender allows only 11 alphanumeric characters.
  • The body of an SMS message is 160 Latin characters (GSM). If you want to include Unicode characters (tildes, Arabic, Chinese, etc…), the length is 70 characters.

Avoid overusing abbreviations

Use them only when necessary due to space constraints, but don’t employ them recurrently if they don’t align with your brand’s tone. They can detract from the seriousness of your message and, consequently, your brand.

Include links and calls to action…

Inserting a link to transactional pages on your website will cause the number of visits with the intention of getting more detailed information or buying to increase, something that will positively influence sales. 

To do it the best way, customize it with the promo name instead of leaving the default link generated by

…to generate interaction in social networks

You also have the option to include links to your social media to promote your brand, increase the number of fans, or engage with your audience. Giveaways and contests are great opportunities to achieve the latter.

with giveaways and contests.

They’re great options for increasing your subscriber list. Your customers will provide their data in exchange for participating in promotions, entering giveaways, or joining contests. You can use your social media channels.

When to use SMS marketing? 

After learning about the benefits and how to create marketing-oriented SMS, knowing when to send one for effectiveness is crucial. Here are six scenarios where your brand can send messages and increase the likelihood of sales.

1. Reducing abandoned carts

Often, shoppers add items to their online cart but for various reasons, they don’t complete the purchase. With Redegal, we can assist you in developing your ecommerce platform, helping you optimize the checkout process and reduce cart abandonment.

Sending a message sharing a limited-time discount code, a personalized coupon, or the removal of shipping costs can prompt the customer to complete the purchase of items left abandoned in their cart. This strategy can also be implemented through email marketing.

2. Product launches

The novelty always grabs people’s attention, so sending a message when a product has just been released is an opportunity to drive traffic to the website and, consequently, potential purchases. In that message, you can highlight the qualities of the product or emphasize that it has been eagerly awaited and might sell out.

3. Share promotions

You can leverage of the sale at the end of the season or special dates like Mother’s Day to send an SMS with discounts. For example, those who have given permission to belong in this list of text messages may be offered an exclusive promotion. 

4. Make a birthday gift

Gifts are one of the most anticipated moments during birthdays, and often people consider treating themselves to something special for that day. It’s the perfect moment for your brand to connect with the audience and let them know they are valued. You can offer a discount code for them to purchase something they’ve been eyeing for months or send a small gift.

5. Product in stock

When a desired product is out of stock, customers often visit the website regularly to check if it’s been restocked. A more convenient option is to offer the possibility of receiving an SMS notification when the product is back in stock and ready to purchase. This way, the audience will see that your brand is taking care of their needs, and they can easily acquire the product without worry.

6. Orden confirmation

Sending an SMS confirming that the order has been successfully placed and providing the option to track the order will give the customer the sense of control they need for peace of mind. You can notify them of the tracking number,provide a link to track the order, or inform them that the product has already left the warehouse and is on its way. Text messages are one of the most immediate forms of connection, as it only takes a few seconds from sending to receiving.

Want to try SMS marketing? We help you achieve the best results with a specialized team that has been generating great results for customers for years. Feel free to contact us for any questions. Shall we talk?


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