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30/07/2018 - Updated on: 30/04/2024

Tips for designing a landing page that maximizes your conversions

Landing pages are one of the most powerful tools in digital marketing. In this post we give you a series of tips to optimize them and make a difference.

Tips for designing a landing page that maximizes your conversions

6 hours and 37 minutes is the average time a person spends on the internet daily, according to a study by DataReporter. Therefore, it is increasingly difficult to capture the user’s attention, keep them on a website, and collect their information to convert them into a lead for your brand. A simple, clear, and dynamic landing page can be the opportunity to connect with your target. That’s why a landing page should be integrated into your business marketing strategy

If you want to get the most out of your landing pages, don’t worry! In this post, we provide a series of tips to optimize them and start achieving your goals. Ready? Keep reading and find out!

What is a landing page?

Landing pages are web pages hosted on a website with the goal of generating the highest number of conversions. Their purpose is to turn user visits into leads or subscribers and to get them to complete specific actions. These actions will vary depending on the goals defined by your brand.

For example, they can be aimed at acquiring customers for the sale of a product, hiring a service, signing up for a webinar or a newsletter. Additionally, they can serve as a mechanism to gain new subscribers to target with an SMS marketing campaign.

In this way, landing pages are one of the most powerful tools in digital marketing.

How to design an effective conversion-oriented landing page?

What should a landing page have to convert? Here are some of the points to keep in mind to optimize your landing page.

Pay attention to design

If the design is attractive, users are more likely to spend more time on the website and increase their interaction. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the design and build the landing page with the users’ preferences and interests in mind. After all, they are the ones who need to access and decide whether to stay on the website. Here are some tips to apply in the design of your landing page:

  • Choose three or four colors for the visual identity, it is advisable that they match your brand image. You can organize them by categories: dedicate one color to highlight the CTA and another one only for the titles.
  • Use subtitles to organize the text and highlight the most important parts. The potential customer will see in a single glance the themes of your landing page and what you can find in each section.
  • Use lists to distribute content and make reading easier. They can be included to summarize the qualities of a product, what an offer contains or what can be learned in a webinar, among many other topics.
  • Incorporate images that preferably show people or show your product or service in use. In the era of visuals, with a photograph you can make it clear what people can get through that landing page.

A catchy headline

The headline is one of the most important elements of the landing page. If the user sees it and it draws their attention thy’ll probably decide to continue reading more information.

To achieve this, think of a creative and short title. Use a font that stands out, larger than the rest of the text that appears on the page. Although not too much, since visual balance is important.

It’s advisable to use subtitles and bold text to highlight different sections or product features. Moreover, if you’re interested in letting your landing page rank on search engines, make sure to use appropriate keywords and emphasize the headline with an H1 tag, and the main subtitles with H2 tags. In Redegal, we can assist you with your brand’s SEO because we have a team of professionals who are experts in this field.

On the website of our global full digital company you can find an example of a headline that captures the audience. In just a dozen words is defined the line of work and services that users can find.

Initial interface of the Redegal website. Source: own development. ..

Product benefits

Don’t expect to get customers without offering them anything in return. Most users will not be willing to give up their personal data, specially if it is a company they do not know.

If your goal is to sell a product, it’s essential to use this space to highlight the benefits it will bring to the user. It’s not just about listing the features and specifications of the product. You need to convince the user why your product will add value to their daily life.

For example, at Redegal, we offer Binnacle Data, a data-driven tool to monitor your ecommerce data. On its landing page, we address why you should use this service and showcase quantitative data illustrating the benefits gained from its use.

Benefits of the Binnacle Data tool, which are listed on your website. Saving 80% time on multiple data sources queries. More than 30 metrics automatically monitored. 30% increase in sales in your ecommerce.
Advantages of the Binnacle Data service. Source: own elaboration.

An attractive CTA

The call to action or CTA is the button that invites the user to click to achieve a specific goal (a purchase, subscription, offer, etc). This element is essential on a landing page and we must pay special attention to its design, as the conversion rate largely depends on it. CTA should be visible, impactful and concise. As a recommendation:

  • It has to stand out from the rest of the landing page design because the goal is for the user to press that button. You can use an exclusive color for the CTAs, the more striking and different from the rest is better.
  • Use a short text, which describes the action the user has to take or what they can find when they click the button. Some examples may be: “download”, “more information”, “request discount”… 

Again, we exemplify this essential element on landing pages for achieving conversion through the Binnacle Data tool. On the first visible screen of its website, there is a CTA button to request a demo and in the navigation menu, another one is available to request more information.

First screen of the Binnacle Data website with two CTAs.
Binnacle Data Service CTA Examples. Source: own development.

Real reviews

If you also include positive reviews from people who have tried your product, you will reinforce your message. This type of content provides significant credibility and helps humanize the brand. For services, it’s beneficial to add relevant data for users, such as logos of clients who use it.

SEO optimization

If one of the objectives of your landing page is to receive organic traffic, it’s not enough for the content and design of the landing page to be attractive. It’s also necessary for all elements to be properly optimized for SEO positioning.

Before creating the page content, you should conduct keyword research to identify which terms will help position your landing page. Then, choose the primary and secondary keywords that best fit your needs. Pay attention to other elements as well:

  • URL should be short and include the keywords. Also easy to remember and containing the main keyword. If you shorten the URL for use on social media or SMS, use the promotion name in the shortened URL.
  • The meta information is what will make the user choose your page over others because you will find it among the search results. So it is convenient to offer clues about what can be found inside.
  • The images need to be high-quality but not too heavy to slow down the loading speed. Accompany them with an alt text and include keywords in the file names. 

Explanatory videos

Several studies have shown that landing pages containing explanatory videos have up to a 50% higher chance of appearing on the first page of Google. It’s advisable to use them, especially when introducing a new company or product to the market, as videos help users quickly and easily understand how it works. 

Moreover, it’s the perfect resource for expressing an idea and spreading it through social networks. Among the characteristics this video can have are that it should not exceed one minute in duration, be positioned prominently on landing pages, and be of high quality yet easy to process.


Forms should be as brief as possible. Often, registrations are lost because users feel it’s intrusive when companies request too much personal information right from the start. To avoid this, only ask for the minimum number of fields necessary to handle the contact or information request effectively. For example, fields like name, surname, phone number, email address, and necessary company information, as seen on our full digital agency’s website.

Contact form through the Redegal website. Please fill in the fields of name, surname, telephone, email, company size, services of interest and option to write a message.
Redegal contact form. Source: own elaboration.

In an ecommerce strategy you may need to request more information to segment your content strategy. The ideal is to ask the user for this data gradually and always offering something in return: discounts, promotions, exclusive content…

Avoid the navigation menu

In a landing page, it’s important to minimize distractions for users and eliminate any elements that could cause them to lose focus and leave the page. It’s advisable to avoid using navigation menus, remove links or buttons that redirect to content outside of the landing page.

Measure the loading time

Google provides a guide on how to optimize landing pages for conversions. It emphasizes that internet users prefer fast and smooth-functioning websites. Evaluating the loading speed of your landing page and ensuring it meets search engine parameters can help you climb higher in search engine rankings. This translates to increased visibility and conversion opportunities for your brand. 

Adapt the landing page design to all devices 

Access to websites now happens from various devices such as computers, tablets or smartphones. Therefore, it’s crucial to be prepared and optimize the landing page to be visible on all of them. Before launching, it’s recommended to thoroughly review everything to ensure it’s correct.

Are you looking to create a landing page? We offer web development and design services that will help bring your vision for your brand to life. Shall we talk?

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